We live in a digital world. More than ever, social interactions and business transactions are happening online. If you and your business don’t have a website, you’re missing out.
First, what is a website?
Webster’s dictionary defines a website as…. (just kidding! ????)
The term “website” can actually refer to a lot of different things. This article that you’re reading right now lives on a website. Your favorite social media networks and online tools are websites too. Pretty much anything on the internet can be considered a website.
So why does anyone really need a website?
If you have a website, there’s a good chance it will be shown near the top of the search results. This gives you some control over a user’s first impression of you. If you don’t have a website, you’re leaving this to chance–or even worse yet–to your competitors!
Does every small business need a website?
Yes! Your website is your number one Salesperson, Influencer, and Marketer (and it never takes lunch breaks). Before making any purchase, 55% of people will search online for reviews and recommendations, with 47% looking for a company’s own website (source: KPMG). Your prospects and customers expect you to have a website.
What about Ecommerce?
If your business sells something (and we bet that it does), you should probably be selling it online. It’s easier than you think to start selling online and it can even drive extra traffic to your brick-and-mortar store.
I don’t have a business. Do I still have to have a personal website?
Well, you only should have a website if you care about what appears when someone searches online for your business name or your own first and last name. Hint: You should definitely care.
Websites are amazing tools that enable you to do pretty much anything online. Even if you don’t have a business and have no interest in selling, blogging, or growing your online presence, you may still want to influence what people see when they google you.
As of publishing, someone searching for “Mark Praschan” sees my Twitter page first and my personal website second. I love this because it allows me to “control the narrative” when people try to get more information on me.
If you apply for a job or connect with someone new, there’s a good chance they’ll do some research online to see what you’re about.
How do I create a website?
The good news is that it has never been easier to get a custom website!
If you’re looking for full control, you should chat with a web designer like me. The process is much easier and more affordable than you might think, especially for a simple personal site built on WordPress.
If you’re ok with having a little less customization, but want to get something done quickly and cheaply, then Wix.com and Godaddy.com are probably the easiest places to start.
So yes, you should have a website, especially if you operate a small business. Your potential fans and customers are looking for you online. Can they find you?