
Category: General

These articles cover everything from planning and plugins to technical details like hosting and customization.

Let’s Get Visual: Design Resources for Your Next Project

For most small business owners, the idea of choosing brand elements like color palettes, fonts, and icons can sound like a lot of fun, but it can also be paralyzing. Here are a few resources to help get you started. […]

Mark Praschan

Mark Praschan

4 min read

How to Make a Website: The 2 Easiest Methods

So you think you need a website? You’re right! The next step is figuring out how to make a website. The good news is that there are really only two ways to build a site: Have someone build the site […]

Mark Praschan

Mark Praschan

5 min read

Why Everyone Needs a Website

We live in a digital world. More than ever, social interactions and business transactions are happening online. If you and your business don’t have a website, you’re missing out. First, what is a website? Webster’s dictionary defines a website as…. […]

Mark Praschan

Mark Praschan

3 min read